Articles on: Getting Started & Setup

Installing Bot Badger on Another Site Builder or CMS

This is a single step in the larger process of adding a domain to Bot Badger. If you didn't come here from that process, we suggest you start here.

If you don't run Wordpress, Wix, SquareSpace, or Shopify, and instead run another site builder or content management system, installing Bot Badger can still be fast and easy.

Search the documentation for your platform for where and how to add "head" or "header" scripts. Chances are, they have a place you can simply paste the Bot Badger code snippet to get up and running fast.

For some platforms, you may have to edit your theme files. On those platforms, make sure you are editing the most global theme or template you can and paste the Bot Badger code as high up inside the <head> tag as possible.

Updated on: 04/12/2023

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