Articles on: Getting Started & Setup

Installing Bot Badger on Wordpress

This is a single step in the larger process of adding a domain to Bot Badger. If you didn't come here from that process, we suggest you start here.

Important Note: You must uninstall Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics directly from your site before you install Bot Badger or you risk double-counting sessions and Bot Badger will do nothing to block bots.

From the Wordpress tab of the domain configuration screen in Bot Badger, click the orange [Download Plugin to Install] button to download the plugin to your computer.
Download Plugin to Install

Open your Wordpress dashboard (as a remind, you just have to put /wp-admin after your website domain in the address bar. For example,

Under "Plugins" in the left-hand menu, select "Add New"
Add New Plugin from Left Nav

Next to the "Add Plugin" heading click the [Upload Plugin] button
![click the Upload Plugin] button

Select the .zip file you downloaded from Bot Badger (1) and click the [Install Now] button (2) to upload and install the plugin.
Upload and Install Zip File

Click the [Activate] button to activate the plugin.
Activate the Plugin

In the left-hand navigation in Wordpress, select "Bot Badger" to bring up the plugin configuration.

Check the "Enable" checkbox if not already checked and enter the same GTM container id you did adding the domain on
Enable Bot Badger WordPress Plugin

Save your changes.
Save Wordpress Config

Updated on: 21/01/2024

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