Articles on: Getting Started & Setup

Uninstall Google Analytics from Wix

There are two methods you or someone on your team may have set up Google Analytics inside of Wix: using Marketing Integrations or using Custom Code.

You will need to check both to be certain that you have fully removed Google Analytics from your site.

Checking/Removing Marketing Integrations

Log in to your Wix account.
Go to the site editor

navigating to website

Click Edit Site to enter the editor

Under the "Settings" menu, select "Marketing Integrations"

Accessing Marketing Integrations

Make sure Google analytics is not connected
It should look like this:
Wix disconnected from Google Analytics
If, instead, it looks like this, click the view button...
Wix after connected to google analytics

Click the three dots, followed by "Delete" to remove the integration
Deleting the Google Analytics integration.

Checking/Removing Custom Code

Log in to your Wix account.
Go to the site editor.
Click Add.
Click More.
Click Custom Code.
Find the custom code entry with the Google Analytics code in it and click the delete icon next to it.
Click Save.

Updated on: 19/01/2024

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