Uninstall Bot Badger from Website
This guide will be to safely remove Bot Badger from your website and the procedure to get back to Google Tag Manager. How To Uninstall Bot Badger from Your Website If you need to remove Bot Badger from your website and wish to reinstall Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager, follow these steps for a smooth transition. Step 1: Uninstall Bot Badger from Your Website Depending on how you initially installed Bot Badger, the uninstallation process will vary. For WordPress UsersFew readersTroubleshooting: "Waiting for Data"
If you're seeing the message "Waiting for Data" on your Bot Badger dashboard, it indicates that Bot Badger has not been successfully installed on your website or your website has not received any visitors after installing the tag. There is a 5-10 minute delay from when the first visitor triggers Bot Badger and when you will see your domain turn to an operational status. If it has been longer than 15 minutes since you have had a visitor on the website after installing Bot Badger, you will wanFew readersWebsite Traffic Increased
If you've noticed a sudden increase in your website's traffic after installing Bot Badger, don't worry! We're here to help you understand what might have gone wrong and how to fix it. In this guide, we'll explain why too much traffic can be a bad thing in this situation and what you can do about it. Understanding Increased Website Traffic Normally, when you add Bot Badger to your website, you expect to see a drop in the number of visitors. This drop is a good thing because Bot Badger is desFew readersWebsite Traffic Decreased
You may have noticed a drop in the number of users and sessions on your website's Google Analytics after adding Bot Badger. Don't be alarmed! We're here to explain why this drop is actually a positive change. Understanding the Drop in Website Traffic Website analytics track your site's visitors and their interactions. Some are real customers, while others are just bots. Bots don't help – they don't buy, engage, or become loyal customers. They're like noise in your data. Different websites aFew readers